Our Legal Services
Services We Provide
Lincolnton Family Law focuses on family law matters at all stages of your case. Whether you are contemplating a separation, involved in litigation, or need to modify an order, we are here to help.
We cover the Western Piedmont of North Carolina in Lincoln, Cleveland, and Catawba Counties.

Areas of Focus in Family Law
Absolute Divorce
An absolute divorce is the simplest part of the process. However, once a divorce is finalized, certain rights under North Carolina law no longer exist. We are happy to speak to you about your individual case to ensure you understand the process from start to finish and not overlook any potential legal rights in the process.
Child Custody
Often a parent’s top concern, Jennifer is experienced in handling your custody needs from the initial hearing, mediation process, and the permanent hearing. Has something changed since the entry of the last order? Jennifer is there to assist you along the way.
Child Support
Child Support is based on parties income. A good attorney will explore any additional income sources, extraordinary expenses, or request a deviation based on your individual circumstances.
In North Carolina child custody is determined by using a standard whereby the judge will determine the best interest of the child.
Guardian Ad Litem
Divorce is one of the three hardest things for a child to experience before adulthood. A Guardian Ad Litem is often used to represent your child in a custody proceeding. This avoids your child having to testify in court or allows an independent third party to investigate issues effecting the child.
Equitable Distribution
Marriage in North Carolina conveys certain property rights between spouses. You need an attorney that can sort through the marital estate and represent your interest through litigation or mediation. The rules vary depending depending on how and when property or debt has been acquired. Most importantly, this area addresses the division of retirement and investment accounts.
Post Separation Support And Alimony
Once a divorce is finalized, certain rights under North Carolina law no longer exist. We are happy to assist you to ensure you understand the process from start to finish and do not overlook any potential legal rights in the process.
Other Legal Services
Lincoln County Traffic Tickets
While it’s easy to pay your traffic ticket, fighting it can save your driving record from points associated with a ticket conviction. The cost is a lot less than you may think. We are devoted to negotiating with the assistant district attorney to get the best possible outcome.